Summer Intensive Group Lessons: Pre-school

Summer Intensive Group Lessons: Pre-school

Pre-school swim lessons are for beginner swimmers ages 3-5 that need to learn the basics of swimming. This class is intended to introduce non-swimmers to basic swimming and water skills such as: understanding water safety and pool rules, gaining self-confidence in the water, blowing bubbles from nose and mouth, floating on front and back, submerging completely under water, introducing front crawl, kicking legs, and jumping into pool safely. Class goal is to enable students to take skills introduced from assisted to unassisted and from use of floatation devices to swimming without one.***Please note: a use of a floatation device will be use in class on a child until the instructor feels child is ready to go without one. Also, skills taught are not limited to the above mentioned.


  • No prior lessons or swimming skill needed
  • Must be 3 years of age or older. We HIGHLY recommend that your swimmer be 3 years old for 3 months or longer before the start date of the class.
  • Must comfortable around other children and with an adult other than their parents
  • Must be comfortable getting face wet as well as getting in pool with floatation device
  • Able to take and listen to instructions in a group setting.


  • Lessons must be paid in full prior to start of first lesson
  • Due to limited space on deck and other patrons using the pool, we ask that parents watch their children from outside through the windows.
  • Please make sure your child meets the requirements/eligibility before signing them up for a certain class.
  • Failure of child to listen to instruction, not work in a group setting, or causes multiple disruptions of class, may result in child being removed from class. If you feel your child would be more comfortable with one on one vs group please check out our private lessons
  • Missed lessons on the part of the student will not be made up or credited/refunded. However. Missed lessons due to weather, instructor absences, or BRY closer will credited/refunded. Front desk will handle credits/refunds.